

Air Optix Aqua year supply


At this time 1 year supply of Air Optix Aqua is 4 boxes (6 lenses in each box).
To buy 1 year supply of Air Optix Aqua you need to have a valid prescription at least for 1 year.
All online stores in USA can sell you contact lenses only with valid prescription and only due to the terms of your prescription. It is strict policy and all stores must validate your prescription with your optometrist. Meanwhile you must know that you can get prescription for more than 1 year (1 year is a minimal term for normal prescription) - you can discuss it with your eye doctor.


Air Optix Aqua 1 year supply discounts


In general prices on year supply of Air Optix Aqua are much affordable than for 1 box.
If you buy annual supply price can be reduced up to 30% off because to the price can be added different discounts:

-Volume discount. Some stores offer discount on particular number of boxes.
-Year supply discount. Be aware than some stores do not practice such type of discount.
-Coupon code discount - as your order is big some enough coupon codes can significantly reduce price on your Air Optix aqua year supply.
-Free shipping promotions.

Anyway if you have such possibility than try to purchase a year supply of Air Optix Aqua -it will save you a lot of money.


Air Optix Aqua year supply rebate


All Air Optix Aqua annual supply qualifies for manufacturer rebate from Alcon. At this time you can get 10$ rebate - but you need to complete some procedures (send filled forms etc.)
More information about Air Optix year supply rebate you can find - HERE.
This rebate is not depends from store where you buy your Air Optix Aqua year supply so you can not take into consideration when compare prices in online stores because you can get it even if you buy in any store.

Air Optix Aqua year supply price comparison


To compare prices you must find best price and than compare surcharges add possible volume discounts and coupon codes. It is very complicated process.
We created Air Optix Aqua price comparison that helps you to find best price on Air Optix aqua 1 year supply as on other contact lenses in one click. It compares prices, discounts and surcharges from every contact lenses online store.
Just enter your contacts brand name and get price comparison chart with all surcharges and discounts included - best possible price on the market.

Save your money with us!